December 2, 2007


One Agency’s Innovation for Easing Shift Fatigue

We’ve reported previously on the dangers of fatigue in policing, but we haven’t described a creative countermeasure, typified by the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office in Redwood City, CA. To help deputies who would otherwise face exhausting commutes after long shifts, the SO has established 2 free “crash pads” where personnel can get adequate sleep...
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New Study Provides Realistic Look at School Crimes

The latest profile of who commits crimes in schools and what weapons are involved has emerged from a new study by the FBI’s Crime Analysis, Research & Development Unit. Some surprises and some reinforcements of prevailing beliefs are documented in the report on offenses and offenders in U.S. schools, colleges, and universities during a recent...
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“Lethality Assessment” Helps Gauge Danger from Domestic Disputes

Officers from nearly 60 departments in Maryland have begun using a research-based “lethality assessment” checklist in hopes of preventing homicides and suicides that might otherwise evolve from heated domestic disputes. As part of their intervention at domestic calls, officers put a quick series of pointed questions to the apparent victims (usually females) in these incidents....
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