October 25, 2017


New! Force Science Study Casts Fresh Light on Police Memory Errors

A favored tactic of plaintiffs’ attorneys in civil suits is to cast doubt on an officer’s credibility by emphasizing errors in the officer’s recall of details about the critical incident at issue. Now a major new study by a Force Science research team provides unequivocal scientific support for the fact that erroneous memories of life-threatening...
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How One Trainer Put The Media In Officers’ Boots Regarding Resistance

Civilians who’ve never had to physically restrain an “ain’t-gonna-be-controlled” suspect usually have no idea how much force and how many officers may be required to gain compliance. So when they see video of cops trying to subdue an unyielding subject, it’s easy for their naïve eyes to interpret knee strikes, baton strikes, CEW hits, and...
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